Thursday, 29 March 2018

Amazing One At LFW A/W Presentation 2018

I am happy I made it after all. Lagos Fashion Week A/W Presentation 2018 ran from 23rd to 25th of March 2018 but I could only attend on the last day because of piles of work I got on my hands (you know how it is). 

Always an awesome event, this years never fell beyond my expectation. So here is a call out for all fashion savvy peeps, if you missed this years’ ensure you don’t the next time. The event is an amazing platform for networking and keeping abreast with what’s up in the industry; again considering that admission into this amazing event is FREE.

Major highlights for me – I met and exchanged contacts (business reasons……lol) with amazing peeps and I saw a number of inspiring presentations. Emmy Kasbit’s was out of the world and had emerged the winner of winner of the Fashion Focus Fund.
 Catch full details here..........
Day 1 Presentation(23rd March,2018) -  On Bella Naija 
Day 2 Presentation(24th March,2018)  -  On Bella Naija
Day 3 (25th March, 2018) - On Bella Naija

Then again I met this great guy who took these pictures of me FREE. In all it was an awesome experience for me.

Thanks for stopping by. Xoxo

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