Monday, 6 August 2018

A Smart Way To Style All White Loose Fit

So it seems I am beginning to get my blogging mojo back or better still, I’ve managed in the mist of my busy schedule to create a few content. I must give it to bloggers who have held forth for years creating amazing content against all odds.

Saturday, 4 August 2018

Denim X White Top: At Google For Nigeria 2018

 I wonder what fashion would be if there were no denims๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’. Denims is one of my go-easy dress-up pieces. I find it very easy and effortless to style maybe because I can be lazy sometime with dressing up. I don’t know what to call my attitude towards dress-up sometime but what I know is that my major watch words for fashion is "comfort and simplicity". But you remember what they say “simple things are expensive”. Yea, couldn’t have agreed less but errhmm, I also think that “some simple things are affordable”(affordability is relative right? But I am sure you know what I mean).