Wednesday, 15 November 2017

I Never Plan to Fail

“If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail”???

I usually don’t wait until the very end of the year before I take stock of my set goals and I will explain why. You know that moment in a football match when a goal is scored a minutes to the end of the match??? It also applies to our day to day life; last minutes execution or miracle is so real and true. So I usually will take stock of the activities for the year a month or more before the end of the year. And if you wish to know why this is, please continue reading. 

Reviewing my yearly set goals close to year end gives me a clear understanding of how far I have gone and what more to do, simple!!!. I have religiously practiced this for the past three year and with this kind of reviews, I am motivated and propelled to do one or two more last thing that will contribute immensely to achieving my overall goals for the year.

It’s been an awesome year, I had set my plans for the year plus God has been faithful. I can bet it, you can achieve anything you wish to if you plan for it and then commit your plans in the hands of the almighty God.
My fashion line, GlamzByAma which I commercially kick started in August 2016 clocked a year this year and in first quarter of my second year, I almost doubled my output compared to the whole of my first year in operation. 
You just have to start – just start something and you will be amazed at how far you can go once you’ve set you mind right. My blog also clocked one year in June and the amazing thing for me here is that in the mist of so many other things I've delved into, has survived the critical moment – that moment when a good number of bloggers abandon their blogs or even shot them down. 
So my blog is 17 months and counting and do I need to continuously up my game? Yes. However, I am excited to announce that I lost my blogging mojo at some point but got it back ASAP. Amazing what determination can do….....right?.  May I also mention that this year, I was given a new role at my 9 to 5 work place. And in case you didn’t know, I have a 9 to 5 job; and in the addition to that I run a blog and more. Some call it multiple stream of income but for me is more like pursuit of one’s passion. And yes I agree to that quest to earn more but if you make money your utmost priority in your pursuit of any venture especially stuffs like blogging and business startup, you will most likely get frustrated easier than someone who had ventured into any business as a result of passion but again with the understanding that money will come only if you have the passion and perseverance to drive your business up to a level.

Looking ahead to 2018, I have got a lot in stock. A lot for my customers, socials and how could I forget my family and friends. A lot of patronage had come from this direction. Yea, make sure you stay glued here as I will be seriously upping my game on my blog. So aside my regular fashion and style posts, I will be doing a lot more of motivational posts like this one hoping I would inspire someone. So you will see a lot of “how to(s)” kinda posts from me in 2018– you get what I mean? 
And then on my Instagram @ama_glamz and my official clothing line insta handle @glamzbyama you will find a lot more interesting posts about my style edits, clothing line, my shoe addiction program[ meant to show you where and how to get amazing shoes at a highly affordable prices]. 

I am also open for collaborations, so if you are a blogger or a brand and you find me interesting please send me a DM on any of the socials or email I have also been planning on launching a youtube channel; this should happen in 2018. Although launching a youtube channel as at today is one of the points in the lowest pyramid of my to-do-list, however, requests from peeps on this are enormous. So lovelies, a youtube channel is receiving some consideration… 

Last but not least, my SS18 collection will be out in a couple of weeks, yasssss!!!!! And of course 2018, my AW18 will drop and so on. I am a strong believer of this line "all things are possible to him who believes" Mark 9:23 

So lovelies, how has your 2017 been?? Use the comment box below if you care to share but most importantly, trust you are planning for your 2018. Again, remember that “failure to plan means you are planning to fail”. I personally think we still have some weeks left in 2017 to re-write at least some of our wrongs or make something right. See you soon.

Thanks for stopping by. Xoxo

You can, If you WILL💙💚💛💜

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