Sunday, 21 October 2018

How To Switch Up Your Casual Look

Hi Lovelies!
Been a while but here I am again. I told myself I will never give up blogging even amidst plenty other roles I have to joggle. Trust Y'all are doing great!

Here is bringing to you my Nori Collar and Peplum Belt Set.
Can you tell I LOVE BLACK?
So here is my story.
I had this dinner with hubby and in my usual way, black came to mind. So I put together this look which I think is awesome (or what do you think?) .
Then hubby said, "this is good but you're showing so much skin"
So as an Igbo born African lady, I decided to cover my body but trust me in a sexy So I put on an African wax print collar(see picture below)
I didn't even stop at covering only the boo area, I also went on to cover the bum area😂😂😂😂😂😂
Viola! Hubby is happy and off we went. .
And now the main story💃💃💃💃💃.......I got lots of compliment but most importantly a couple of orders on the Nori Collar and Peplum Belt. I will not stop thanking hubby. This set also has a head-wrap to it although I decided not to go with it; but I guess you can imagine what  head-wrap would look like on this set.
So Lovelies, switch up your look with this set this season.....yeah! And you can shop my look on . Also follow me on IG @ama_glamzclothing to shop.
More pictures below.

Shop My Look
Nori Peplum Belt and Collar Set: Shop here or here

Thanks for stopping by. Xoxo

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